How do budgies sleep? Budgies sleeping positions [Explained]
How do budgies sleep, what are their sleeping positions may be weird questions for someone who don’t own parakeet budgies. But for me, you and anyone who owns budgies, this is a real concern. So let’s together find out answers to above and several other questions about budgies sleeping positions and routine.

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How do budgies sleep?
When I brought my first budgie home, I was surprised to see his sleeping position. After spending several months with him, I came to the conclusion. A happily sleeping budgie makes himself comfortable at the upper perch of the cage or aviary, grinds his beak before going to sleep; then tuck one leg up underneath him and drift off. Most of the budgies also turn their head around and rest it on their back.
The most amazing and surprising behaviour of sleeping budgies is; they can comfortably sleep on one leg with eyes fully or slightly closed. Most of the time, male and female budgies prefer to sleep together outside breeding times.
Common budgies sleeping positions
In the wild, budgies sleep together in large flocks by perching on the highest branches of tall trees.
Perching on tall trees saves them from predators on the ground, also they can see predators at distance and can make an easy escape. Generally, branches of preferences are small sized so that their small feet can make a firm grip and don’t fall off.
Budgies grasp a small branch or perch. If they are happy and feel safe, they tuck one foot underneath their chest feathers, turn their head back to rest on their shoulder. This allows the parakeet budgies to rest their neck muscles which hold up their head all day.
Captive budgies exhibit the exact sleeping positions and behaviors of the wild budgies. They sleep as if they are in the wild.
Captive budgies also love to sleep in a flock, selecting the highest perch in the cage, which sometimes may be a food bowl, cuttlebone or any toys, on one foot, turning their head back with closed eyes. If your budgie don’t turns its head back and keeps eyes slightly open, this might be because he is not comfortable with the environment or maybe he likes sleeping with heads up.
We will find why budgies sleep on one foot and still don’t fall off, how they keep the grip throughout the sleep. Keep reading.
Here’s a guide on “How to make parrot perch out of wild woods” which you obviously love to try.
Do budgies sleep with their eyes open?
Some birds and mammals can sleep with one eye closed and the other keeping open. This is proven science. Isn’t it incredible? This ability is called Unihemispheric slow-wave sleep (USWS) where one half of the brain rests while the other half remains alert.
Budgies also hold this ability to sleep with their one eye open another keeping closed. This USWS – sleep with one eye open capability increases budgie’s ability to evade potential predators. They sleep with both eyes closed when in safe conditions, but open one eye slightly or fully if they feel potentially dangerous environment.
Do budgies sleep on one foot?
Yes, budgies in relaxed mood, stand and sleep on one foot. They tuck and hide one foot underneath their chest feathers and keep the whole body balanced on the other foot. They do so to keep their feet warm and prevent possible heat loss from featherless feet.
Why don’t budgies fall off while sleeping?
Have you ever wondered how your parakeet budgie doesn’t fall off the perch while sleeping? Actually, how do budgies in general keep balance while sleeping on perches? If you look at the budgies sleeping positions, they look seemingly comfortable. How should we be worried about them falling off while sleeping? Well, let’s find out how they do it?
When budgies land on a perch, they can keep grip because of the flexor tendons that extend from their leg down to their toes. These flexor tendons tighten, causing the toes to lock around the perch. This involuntary reflex is automatic when your budgie’s leg is bent, causing the tendons to tighten.
When budgies sit on their legs, you can see your budgie’s toes all closed. When your budgies fall asleep, their grasp doesn’t change because of their weight that is enough to keep the leg bent during sleep time. Thus keeping the cord stretched, tight and clamping the toes around the perch.
Now you know how they do it, you should no more be amazed by your budgies sleeping positions and how clever their leg system is to keep them passive and comfortable.
Do budgies sleep hanging upside down?
By nature, budgies love to perch and sleep at height. Some of the new budgie owners get worried about this sleeping position. It’s common for budgies to sleep hanging upside down off the bars of the cage roof or sometimes off the top perch. If your budgies don’t find suitable perch or branch to sleep in, they endup sleeping upside down. This is quite normal behaviour and nothing to worry about.
Budgies love to play hanging upside down during the day when they feel safe and happy in the environment.
How long do budgies sleep?
Budgie requires 10 to 12 hours of shuteye in every 24 hour cycle, which is important for their immune system and well being. This means their sleeping cage setup should be in a silent and dark room. It’s also very important that you establish a routine for your budgie. This allows it to know when it’s bedtime and that it’s time to settle for the night.
Covering the cage at the same time every night will help your budgie establish a routine. Budgies do most of the sleeping at night, but they also tend to take naps during the day. So the 10 hours does not necessarily be all at once.
Lack of sleep will affect budgie’s demeanor. They can be grumpy, aggressive and cranky. Budgies who don’t sleep enough are more susceptible to disease that might be in the environment. Therefore provide your budgie with 10 to 12 hours of sleep each day.
How long do baby budgies sleep?
Like human babies, baby budgies also sleep during the day as well. Generally, at night baby budgies sleep for 10 to 12 hours or as long as their parents sleep.
During the day, baby budgies sleep in bursts of a few minutes to an hour. Baby budgie’s crop gets full so fast, also the food gets digested so fast. When their crop gets full, they start to take a nap and wake up when they get hungry. So baby budgies tend to take short naps frequently during the day which in total makes sleep hours of 15 to 18. Sleep hours get shorter as they grow older.
How to make your budgie sleep?
A happy budgie takes short naps during the day and goes for sleep when it’s dark and silent. If your budgie is not sleeping, try placing his cage in silent area, cover the cage with cage cover to make it dark. Consider the temperature and the cage covering material. Thick cage covering may increase cage temperature leading to severe problems. Also feed enough food before you make your budgie sleep.
Can budgies sleep with the tv on?
Some budgies can sleep with tv on where as others can’t. This nature depend on budgies and their routine. A friendly budgie that is used to with music mayn’t have problem at all. Depending upon the cage placement, some of your budgies may get used to with tv music, continuous talking, and other sound coming from movements.
Other budgies may only sleep if they’re kept in the right place. They are more sensitive and can get stressed even with low noise. We already knew that budgies by nature sleep alert with one eye open if they feel unsafe. Noise sensitive budgies remain alert without sleep when tv on. So it’s better to understand your budgie’s personality and sound preference during their sleep and act accordingly.
How to help your budgie sleep well?
Now we know budgies sleeping positions and how they sleep. There are a few simple ways that we can help our budgies get a good sound sleep.
- Provide some good sleeping perches as high as possible
- Cover your budgie’s cage at night
- Place the cage in silent area or turn down the noise
- Maintain room temperature
- Keep cage clean and tidy
- Create and follow sleeping routine
How do your budgies sleep? Do your budgies sleep as discussed above or they sleep strangely? Comment down your budgies sleeping positions.