Can parakeets eat grapes? Is it safe fruit?
Budgies also know as parakeets are the most pet birds in the world. Because they are friendly, easy to care, easy to tame and they bond quite well with humans. But the thing that really troubles many budgie owners is, what to feed them.

A variety of food diet variation supports a healthy, happy parakeet budgie. Besides seeds, they can eat many kinds of veggies and fruits. Some of them include, apple, blueberries, mango, pineapple, oranges and more. Hmm! Yes I heard your question, can parakeets eat grapes? Well, this blog answers your question. Keep reading…
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Can parakeets eat grapes?
Yes, parakeets budgies can eat grapes and infact most parakeets absolutely love them as their treat. Grapes are one of the easily available and safe fruits that need to be included in your parakeet budgie’s diet. Grapes are a good source of Copper, Manganese, Potassium and also vitamins A, C, and K which promotes proper health of parakeet budgie.
How to feed grapes to budgies?
Preparing grapes is easier, clean them with fresh water, remove the rotten ones if any. Seedless grapes are recommended, as they are easier to eat and digest. However, you should only feed your parakeet grapes in moderation, as too many can be harmful. Reason being they contain high levels of fructose. Feeding too many grapes to your parakeet can lead them to sickness, obesity and other health issues.
In the wild, parakeets budgies undoubtedly search and feed on several fruits including grapes. Many budgie owners are always concerned whether budgies can eat grapes or not. Important thing to remember is; pet parakeets are no different from those undomesticated. To summarize, pet budgies too can eat grapes but don’t compel them to eat grapes only just by providing grapes all the time. Let them eat themselves with another diet in place. Note, the right amount is important.
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Can parakeets eat raisins?
Yes, parakeets can eat raisins – dried grapes. They are safe and healthy for parakeet budgies. In fact, you may even notice your budgie liking raisins more than the fresh grapes. This is because raisins are in a size and texture that are easier for parakeets to eat and digest. Parakeets can eat raisins as long as they have no added sugar, one or two raisins is plenty as dried fruits are very high in natural sugars.
My parakeets are not eating grapes
It’s not important that every parakeet eats grapes. Like humans, some parakeets may love, others may not like the same food. Due to the fact that it had never been introduced with grapes before. You can now introduce the grapes gradually. Give your parakeet budgie, few fresh grapes daily though they mayn’t eat for the first few days. You can also add to seed-mix to make parakeets used to with grapes.
What other fruits can parakeets eat?
Certainly, a varied diet is always beneficial for your parakeet. You can always offer your parakeet some delicious and fresh fruits in addition to seed mix. Besides grapes, there are so many other fruits parakeets can eat and are safe for their health.
Any fruits that are offered to your budgie, including grapes, should be in limited amounts and only around once or twice a week. Fruit should make up only around 5% of your parakeet’s diet.
10 Safe fruits parakeets can eat
- Banana
- Apple Segments
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Watermelon
- Orange
- Pineapple
- Strawberries
- Mango
- Apricots
Besides fruits parakeets can also eat different veggies. Are you feeding cabbage to your parakeet? Check why you shouldn’t feed cabbage on the article can parakeets eat cabbage.
What fruits should you avoid for parakeets?
If you are owning a parakeet for the first time and wondering what fruits shouldn’t be fed to a parakeet. Majority of fruits are safe and best treat for parakeets, there are very few fruits that you need to be cautious about. These fruits may cause sickness and even lead to the death of your feather friend.
What fruit parakeets do not eat?
Avocado contains a toxin called persin, which is hard to digest for parakeets. If a parakeet happens to eat avocado, they may get sick and may even lead to death. They show symptoms like inability to preach, trouble breathing within 12 -24 hours.
Take your bird to the vet immediately if they consume avocado. Due to the fact that there isn’t much of an antidote for avocado poisoning, but vet can help with flushing with liquids and so forth.
Fruit pits from stone fruits and apple
Pits of fruits like plums, peaches, cherries and apricots should be removed before feeding to your parakeets. A chemical compound called cyanide of these fruit pits is poisonous that can be debilitating.
Avoiding tomato is recommended, though it can be given in small amounts. It contains a toxin called tomatine that can lead to severe health problems.
Limes and lemons
Lemons and limes are citric acid rich fruits. Though they are not poisonous, they can cause stomach upsets. We never want our feather friend to get sick. Also we know, it’s always better to prevent than to cure.
Preparing fruit properly for feeding
Happiness and good health of your parakeet is not only about what you feed, it is equally important how you feed the fruits and other food.
In the wild, parakeets eat organic fruits which may not be possible to buy everytime in our shop. Fruits may contain chemical compounds, and some of them may be rotten. So it’s always a good idea to follow the below mentioned tips for preparing fruit for your parakeet.
Choose raw
Parakeets in the wild eat raw fruits. So never cook any fruits for parakeets because the cooked fruit may contain harmful ingredients. Fruits can be cut into pieces to make your bird easier to nibble.
Wash fruits
Fruits we purchase from local stores or shops may contain some chemical compounds and sometimes there may be rotten fruits and its parts. Therefore, wash the fruits properly and remove the unwanted parts.
Cut into pieces
Cutting fruits into smaller pieces helps parakeets eat them fast. Most parakeets and budgies love small pieces of fruits since bigger fruits can be challenging for them to hold and eat.
Remove leftovers
Remember to remove the leftover fruits and any other food which can be rotten quickly for exposure at room temperature. Don’t place food and water bowls below the perch, parakeets may poop in it. This makes the food unhealthy. And again piling up foods helps bacteria grow quickly leading your bird to sickness. So remove leftovers and change water daily. Also check the position of food bowl.
Make it fun
Every parakeet may not like fruits to taste. Provide a variety of fruits mixing them in their favorite treat. Sometimes hiding their favorite food within the fruits makes it much fun. They begin to like the fruits gradually while finding their favorite food.
Final Thoughts
Good answer to can parakeets eat grapes is obvious yes. Parakeet budgies can eat grapes and it is safe fruit to eat. But take some moderation as mentioned above. Every parakeet budgie may not eat grapes because they may not be used to with grapes. But still you can make them love to eat grapes by mixing grapes in budgies favorite food. Keep giving grapes daily and gradually they start to eat. Besides grapes, budgies eat apple, pineapple, mango, strawberries and most of the fruits. Don’t give avocado, limes and lemons.
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